Friday, October 5, 2012
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Jesus Diaz has gone and made a bet
Jesus Diaz has gone and made a bet
Picture two halves of a clam that close around your phone and hold it securely. Then picture a grippy rubber sleeve that fits snugly over the clamshell to offer you some purchase when holding the slick clamshell. iphone 4 covers Aluminium unibody. Shiny glass back. All these are well and good, but they also make for a very cold and industrial-esque feeling iPad 2. For people who want to add a dash of class to their iProducts, some wooden cases from Miniot might be a good bet.
As far as the rest of the rumors go, they´re all over the map. Some say that Apple will stick with the current 3.5-inch Retina Display. Others say it´ll get bumped to 3.7-inches and others still are pointing toward a 4.0-inch display. We´ve seen all kinds of leaked cases that indicate major, minor, and no changes to the overall form factor and design. We´ve seen some with tapered shapes and others with the same block shape as the iPhone 4. The most interesting of the recent iPhone 5 images from Gizmodo shows a mashup of the iPhone 3GS beveled edges with the unibody design of the iPhone 4; they´re so sure about it that Jesus Diaz has gone and made a bet. iphone battery case The operating system and overall layout appear to be nearly identical to the existing iPhone 3G, rocking a rounded plastic back, a camera in the same position, and a similar touchscreen display. It appears to be a couple sizes smaller, as expected.
During this year´s event, one colleague walked 50 miles in three days - according to his pedometer. Another writer amassed about four hours sleep in the course of five days in town. And I practically wore through my iPhone, digital camera and ballpoint pens amassing info on the cool stuff at the show. hello kitty iphone case Hard Candy Cases founder Tim Hickman said that their sources "learned the specs of the newest iTouch 4G about 30 days ago" and they started working on new cases almost right away. Hard Candy was also first to market with cases for the iPad and iPhone 4.
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